
Deep Dive: Climate Risk Analysis

Oct 23
‏‏‎ ‎-‏‏‎ ‎17:00
Organisation: Climate Lab

Climate change and the increasing frequency of extreme weather events require not only a drastic reduction in emissions, but also a careful analysis of the physical and transitory risks they entail. Companies across the board are coming increasingly under pressure to adapt their investment and risk management strategies to address these risks in the long term.

So, what exactly is a climate risk analysis and why is it imperative for companies to conduct them now?

In this Deep Dive, we will address the most pressing questions related to climate risk analysis as well as its role in investing, corporate strategy and risk management. We will take a closer look at how physical and transitory climate risks affect value chains—and how companies can not only react to risks, but also find strategic opportunities in them.

Experts from the scientific, private and financial sectors will give inspiring, short presentations that provide diverse perspectives on climate risk analyses. We will then open up the floor to your questions and create space for dialogue.


  • Marianne Bügelmayer-Blaschek, Austrian Institute for Technology, will introduce the KlimTAX guidelines for carrying out a comprehensive climate risk and vulnerability analysis.
  • Sandrine Ramboux, Futurewise Partners, will share insights from her work in supporting companies with their climate risk analyses.

Afterwards, feel free to stick around for networking at our Climate Lab Happy Hour, where you can continue your conversations over a glass of beer or wine, and connect with peers from our climate community.

Location: 8th floor

Graphic: storyset

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