Hände halten Glühbirnen in einem Wald hoch

Community Lunch: Bioinfused Innovation

Jan. 21
‏‏‎ ‎-‏‏‎ ‎13:30
Organisation: Climate Lab

Kick off the new year with a fresh perspective inspired by nature’s genius. Biomimicry is the art of learning from and mimicking nature, and it offers us a powerful lens to tackle challenges from a new perspective.

Key topics:

  • How can alpine flora and fauna teach us resilience and creativity?
    Explore how the unique adaptations of these creatures and plants provide powerful metaphors for thriving in challenging landscapes, both personal and professional.
  • What if we solved problems the way nature does?
    Learn a step-by-step process for applying nature-inspired thinking to defining goals and creating sustainable, impactful solutions.
  • How does nature inspire teamwork and innovation?
    Discover how ecosystems can be a role model for effective collaboration, driving growth and innovation in any setting.

Let’s harness the wisdom of nature to fuel our innovation and start 2025 with a strong sense of purpose!

Over a sandwich lunch, we will explore, learn, and grow together with Sonja Donauer-Dum from Anthophila Zukunftsarchitektin—because nature’s genius has never been more relevant for our shared journey forward.

This event will be held in English.

Location: 9.OG

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